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Strong belief that there is a possibility of building profitable operations in affordable housing World Wide and that IAH can be a quality player and a management model

Thank You for visiting our web site. We would like you to share our vision about improving life style by providing property in fusion countries. 

Our site is under construction, very soon we will be able to show you what our work is about. A social network will also very soon be launched to share experiences and solutions for the affordable housing development around the world.

We will focus on Affordable housing woldwide but specially in South America and Africa. In the long term we hope to be able to act in Middle East, East Countries and Asia. We are a private company with very strong rules for improving life quality around the world. Our aim is to do good while mantaining profit as an objective. We don't live with subsidies of any kind and want to apply fare market rules to develop our products.

We have studied 50 projects in Brazil and Angola and we look to define standards in affordable housing providing a workplace to share ideas and new solutions. As the world has new major economical players there is a strong need of solving the lack of housing in many countries. There are many local players in our sector we intend to create a Global Company with strong ethical rules and  compliance. Our corporate Governance is clear, effective and sustainable. We are commited to a new way of developing profitable social minded business.

We are sure you'll be interested. Please come back later on! We will detail the following themes:



3.Current Situation

4.How did we arrive here

5.Options Defined

6.Timings => From Local to Global

7.Next Step


9.Potential Partners

10.First Proposed Countries

You can contact us throug email: geral@iahworld.com and info@iahworld.com . We will be delighted to share with you some ideas.

We strongly reccommend you to read three books:

The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid  - Prahalad

Los misterios del Capitalismo - Hernando Soto

The world is Flat - Thomas Friedman